The 9th International Conference on
World-Class Universities (WCU-9)
2022年11月18日,中国 . 上海
上海交通大学世界一流大学研究中心是教育部设立的高等学校软科学研究基地,长期致力于世界一流大学、大学评价与排名等方向的理论研究与实践探索。从2005年起,中心已成功发起并主办了8届 “世界一流大学国际研讨会”(International Conference on World-Class Universities),每届会议都围绕着具有时代紧迫性与现实意义的议题进行讨论,已成为探讨和交流世界一流大学有关问题的重要国际平台。
2022年11月18日,上海交通大学世界一流大学研究中心将召开第9届“世界一流大学国际研讨会”,会议主题为“世界一流大学:后疫情时代的挑战与机遇(World-Class Universities: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-Pandemic Era),将围绕后疫情时代世界一流大学的全球使命、拔尖人才培养、原创科学研究、大师队伍建设、国际品牌与影响力等方面展开研讨。
Beijing Time | Event | Topic | Speaker |
Opening Session | Moderator: Prof. Niancai Liu | ||
8:30-9:00 | Opening Session | Welcome Remarks |
Prof. Zhongqin Lin
Session I | Moderator: Prof. Niancai Liu | ||
9:00-9:30 | Session I-1 | Exploring an integrated model of assessing and improving college student learning in China | Prof. Jinghuan Shi Professor, Institute of Education, Tsinghua University, China |
9:30-10:00 | Session I-2 | A flaw in the "world-class-universities" narrative and how to fix it | Prof. James Mittelman Distinguished Research Professor and University Professor Emeritus, School of International Service, American University, USA |
10:00- 10:30 | Coffee Break | ||
Session II | Moderator: Prof. Futao Huang | ||
10:30-11:00 | Session II-1 | Shaping the future of a leading university with HeXie education ecology and learning mall | Prof. Youmin Xi Executive President, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China |
11:00-11:30 | Session II-2 | The global missions of world-class universities in an era of uncertainty | Prof. Baocun Liu Professor and Director, Institute of International and Comparative Education, Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, China |
11:30-12:00 | Session II-3 | Assessing research impact – what does it mean in today's dynamic world | Dr. Gali Halevi Director, Institute for Scientific Information, Clarivate, USA |
Beijing Time | Event | Topic | Speaker |
Session III | Moderator: Dr. Zhuolin Feng | ||
14:00-14:30 | Session III -1 | Have world-class universities risen to the pandemic challenges? | Prof. Jamil Salmi Global Tertiary Education Expert |
14:30-15:00 | Session III -2 | Japan's new world-class university scheme based on national bonds | Prof. Akiyoshi Yonezawa Professor and Vice-Director, International Strategy Office, Tohoku University, Japan |
15:00-15:30 | Session III -3 | The essence and mission of world-class university | Prof. Hong Shen Chair Professor and Director, Center for Higher Education Research, Southern University of Science and Technology, China |
15:30-16:00 | Coffee Break | ||
Session IV | Moderator: Prof. Niancai Liu | ||
16:00-16:30 | Session IV -1 | Impact of COVID-19 on higher education teaching, student learning & research: Implications for world-class universities | Prof. Ka-ho Mok Vice-President, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China |
16:30-17:00 | Session IV -2 | The difference between "globalization" and "internationalization": Implications for science and WCU building | Prof. Simon Marginson Professor of Higher Education, Department of Education and Linacre College, University of Oxford, UK |
Closing Session | Moderator: Prof. Niancai Liu | ||
17:00-17:30 | Closing Session | Closing Remarks |
Dr. Zhuolin Feng Associate Professor, School of Education, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Prof. Futao Huang
The biennial International Conference on World‐Class Universities was initiated by the Center for World‐Class Universities of Shanghai Jiao Tong University since 2005. It provides a platform for global leaders, senior university administrators, leading scholars and policy
researchers worldwide to discuss various issues related to WCU. The general themes of WCU conferences are listed as follows:
World‐Class Universities: Globalization and National Models
World‐Class Universities: Towards a Global Common Good and Seeking National and Institutional Contributions
Matching Visibility and Performance: A Standing Challenge for World‐Class Universities
Global Outreach of World‐Class Universities: How It Is Affecting Higher Education
World‐Class Universities: Different Approaches to a Shared Goal
Paths to a World‐Class University: Lessons from Practices and Experiences
World‐Class Universities: From Quality to Excellence
World‐Class University and Ranking: Aiming Beyond Status